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AP Art + Design (11th-12th Grades)

The Advanced Placement Art & Design program is for eligible juniors and seniors who are highly motivated and committed to creating college-level work in one of three areas of focus: 2D Art & Design, 3D Art & Design, or Drawing.
This course requires students to create and submit a portfolio of 2D art, 3D art, or drawings according to specific AP guidelines and sophisticated written documentation of the inquiry-based exploration process. Classwork and homework are almost entirely student-driven as students work independently on a theme of their choice with regular faculty coaching and self, peer, and teacher assessments. Work for this course begins in the summer so that students have time to create and submit a completed portfolio to the College Board for an AP evaluation and score. This course may be repeated for credit. This course will count towards the fine arts requirement for graduation.
(Prerequisite: Intro to Art, Drawing, Painting, plus Honors Studio Art and/or departmental approval)