Every parent of a current student is automatically a member of the MBCA Parent Council.
As the primary educators of our children, parental involvement in school activities is strongly encouraged. Helping to make our students successful is a shared responsibility for us all, and we treasure this partnership.
The Parent Council supports the Academy by:
List of 3 items.
Promoting unity, cooperation, and involvement within the MBCA family.
Fostering open and accurate communication between parents and the school.
Sponsoring Events
Parent Council sponsors promote community and raise funds to enrich our children’s experience beyond the school’s operating budget. Regardless of the amount of time, talent, or treasure you have to give - there is a place for you to become involved in the life of our school through Parent Council. Whether as a member of the Parent Council Board, a committee chairperson, or a classroom volunteer, our school succeeds when parents are involved.
Interested in serving on Parent Council for the 2025-2026 school year? Email Lindsay Haswell, Parent Council President.
On behalf of Parent Council, we are thrilled to invite the entire MBCA community to join us for the 25th Annual MBCA Spring Fling & Auction on Saturday, March 22, 2025 at Cherokee Country Club. The theme this year is Black Tie & Boots, which captures the spirit of MBCA embarking on an exciting new adventure with our boots firmly on the ground as we pave the way for a brighter future under Christ's leadership.
This annual gala generates funds to expand and enrich our JK-12 offerings and provides an opportunity for fun and fellowship in support of our incredible school. The evening will include dinner, silent and live auctions, a wine pull, and entertainment. You can support the Spring Fling by purchasing a ticket, participating in the auction, and wearing a Spring Fling hat. Spring Fling hat Fridays will be held on January 24, February 28, and March 21!
If you are interested in supporting the Spring Fling through a business or family sponsorship, or donating in-kind items, services, gift cards, or volunteering, please email us at lesleymaxpalmer@gmail.com. We sincerely appreciate any support you may be able to provide! We cannot wait to celebrate with you on March 22!