List Detail

Nylsa Smallwood

Library Coordinator
Q: Where did you attend college?
A: B.A. in Theater from LaGrange College

What year did you join MBCA? 
A: 2015

What do you love about MBCA? 
A: The close network of families and teachers. 

What is your all-time favorite sports team? 
A: I don't follow sports at all. I follow the arts! 

What is your favorite Bible verse, and why? 
A: Jeremiah 29:11 - this verse is powerful to me as it reminds me that when I feel stuck or confused about where I am in life, God has the big picture and that it's all part of His master plan for my life.

What are three fun facts about yourself?
A: I love the Arts, acting, performing, singing, dancing and any creative outlet!
I love being a mom.
I once lived in an abandoned circus trailer on the top of a hill in the woods.

What is your favorite book? 
A: Sidney and Norman a Tale of Two Pigs by Phil Vischer.